The most important question to ask yourself when setting up this feature is:

How do I charge for my venue?


The Short Answer:

Fixed Rental - I rent my venue based on specific time slots or an entire day.

Flexible Rental - I rent my venue based on a number of hours (i.e. 4 hour minimum).


You may be thinking, I don't charge a rental fee, I charge a Food & Beverage minimum or I charge a per person rate? No problem. You will have the option to identify this in the next step of the set-up process, but you do need to select whether fixed rental or flexible rental is most applicable based on how you allocate time to your planners.


The Longer Answer:

Choose Fixed Rental when your venue has specific chunks of time for rent that aren't adjustable.

For example:

  • You rent your space by the day, OR
  • You rent your space in one or more specific time slots that don't change, like 8am-12pm only

Choose Flexible Rental when your venue has windows of time that planners can customize for their event needs.

For example:

  • You rent a minimum time frame (ex: 4 hours) but can start the event anytime between 8am-midnight.

In this example, your venue could be rented for 4 hours two different Saturdays, but one could start at 3pm and the other could start at 3:30pm.

You can select how much "turn time" you need between events with this option so multiple events don't overlap.

If your pricing varies per day, group days of the week by price.

Example: If you charge $xx on Monday - Thursday, but charge a higher amount for the same time frame on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Your profile should look like this.  Notice that the times are the same, but the days of the week are different. Why? (great question) In the next step you will be adding pricing and setting it up this way, will allow you to input different prices based on the days of the week.

Need more Information?

Don't worry, we got ya.  Here is a quick video explaining this feature in more detail.


Other questions? Reach out to our Customer Success Team at